Invest Passively in Real Estate

Mellon REITs is changing the world through Real Estate investing.


Mellon REITs is a specialist global industrial property group. We own, develop and manage high quality sustainable properties that are close to consumers and provide essential infrastructure for the digital economy.

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We bring a balance to the Real estate market by giving every individual equal opportunity to invest with minimal funds in high end properties not available to the general public.

Key Background Performance

250k +

Active Investors

$3.4B +

Market Cap

$214M +

Net Dividends Earned

Figures as of 07/06/2024

Our Services

We provide a list of services that is well diversified in the real estate sector


Mellon Neighborhoods connect cities, nature and people in transformative ways leading us to a better future.
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Our landmark luxury office buildings enrich the fabrics of the city with beautiful places to work.
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For over two decades, we've been building and developing oustanding homes and communities that make a difference to residents' lives across the U.S.
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We own and operate a diversified portfolio of high industrial real estates in the U.S, Canada and Europe.
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We bring world class retail to the most sought-after locations, enhancing the life of the people who live and work here.
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Embracing big new ideas at the earliest opportunity. We're a leading partner and investor in innovative real estate investments.
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Featured Properties


  Here are some frequently asked questions users ask.

What is Mellon REITs?

Mellon REITs is an online investment platform to create a simple way for anyone to unlock the previously exclusive world of private real estate investing.

Investing in Mellon REITs is more like investing in properties that normally you wouldn't have the capital to invest, properties like Banks, Shopping malls, Hospitals, Etc.

Real estate has traditionally been one of the most sought-after asset classes for professional investors, with the power to deepen portfolio diversification, achieve higher return potential and provide performance consistency when other markets are volatile. Now it's available to you.

For more information about our investment plans, fees, method of payments, and liquidity, check out our get started guide and FAQs.

How does it work?

To get started, you'll need to create an account on our website. Through that process, you can choose properties of your choice. From  there, we'll build a dynamic portfolio of carefully identify real estate investments to help you archive your long-term investment goals.

After you invest, managing your portfolio and staying informed is simple, using our intuitive investor dashboard. We offer real-time reporting and regular, indepth updates about the assets within your portfolio, giving you unpresidented transparency into any returns.

For more information about our investment plans, fees, method of payments, and liquidity, check out our get started guide and FAQs.

What am i Investing in?

When you invest in Mellon REITs, you are investing into a diversified portfolio of real estate projects that we acquire, identify, and manage on your behalf.

What are the Dividends paid?

We aim to distribute Dividends in the middle of the month after quater-end ( April, July, October, January).

Keep in mind that dividends are expected to fluctuate through out the year and we do not have a guaranteed dividends.

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Make Real Estate Work for You

Over 80 million Americans are invested in REITs either directly, through mutual funds or directly through exchange traded funds.